Voice From Heaven Live classes from the Miracles Healing Center. |
Saturday, January 12th 2019 Walking with HIM to Certainty 2 with Devavan |
He (your brother) is afraid to walk with you, and thinks perhaps a bit behind, a bit ahead would be a safer place for him to be. Can you make progress if you think the same, advancing only when he would step back, and falling back when he would go ahead? For so do you forget the journey’s goal, which is but to decide to walk with him, so neither leads nor follows. Thus it is a way you go together, not alone. And in this choice is learning’s outcome changed, for Christ has been reborn to both of you.
An instant spent without your old ideas of who your great companion is and what he should be asking for, will be enough to let this happen.
- Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles, Chapter 31, II