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Voice From Heaven

Live classes from the Miracles Healing Center.

Tuesday, September 12th 2023

Atonement as well as At-One-ment: Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (26)

We are sharing in this episode in a direct meeting with Master Teacher the second part of the video presentation "I Will Accept Atonement For Myself -- Workbook Lesson 139", of Episode II, in which he offers us the teaching of Christ Jesus in the demonstration of the recognition of accepting the atonement principle of fear and the self concept, and also the realization of the awakened Mind in accepting and extending the At-One-ment, the Self realized remembrance of our true Identity, as the lesson offers "I Will Accept Atonement For Myself, for I Am as God Created Me. ◊

We are using Part 1 of the Master Teacher's video CL-01b of the CommuneLight Series, -- I Will Accept Atonement For Myself -- Workbook Lesson 139 --- https://themasterteacher.tv/video/catalogue/volume-one/the-communelight-series/CL-01b, with Ls. 139.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/FLMfVGfNcTE