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Voice From Heaven

Live classes from the Miracles Healing Center.

Tuesday, May 16th 2023

"Compensation" by God: Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (10)

We are sharing in this episode in a direct meeting with Master Teacher the second part of his "Compensation" video presentation in which he elaborates with Ralph Waldo Emerson's work of Compensation and Circles on the idea of being compensated by God entirely. We come across the recognition that we "have lost our fear" and look at the necessity of a complete dependency on God. His words in a talk of a 12 Step meeting about Step 11 strengthen this demonstration and makes us understand that we only give, help and heal to have the experience and certainty for ourselves.
We are using Part II of the Master Teacher's video SCHA-03 of the Stem Cell Healing Activation Series -- Compensation. --- https://themasterteacher.tv/video/catalogue/volume-two/the-stem-cell-healing-activation-series/SCHA-03
This series of podcasts and teachings is dedicated to all and everyone being interested in the teachings of the Master Teacher. After listening to introductory words we are sharing for 15-20 minutes a video demonstration of the M.T.. Afterwards everyone is invited to comment or ask questions to the presented teaching that will be reflected by #Devavan. The purpose of this gathering is to join with His Mind which is Christ Mind within our own Self and to experience the creative Light that is present as our own resurrected Mind. The teachings may include Texts and Workbook Lessons of A Course in Miracles #ACIM, publications of the #MasterTeacher or other scientists and one's own personal and universal Experience.
The details for the ZOOM Login Info can be found on the main page https://devavan.com/

YouTube: https://youtu.be/dM5lsotCWN8